A Bird of the Air



Lyman leads a reclusive life, working in roadside assistance and living in his trailer. One day, a parrot flies in, and Lyman takes care of it while starting a search for its owner. Fiona, who works at the local library, finds Lyman intriguing and soon joins the search as well. Lyman is fascinated by all the phrases the parrot knows, and the quest quickly shifts from finding the bird's previous owner to uncovering everyone who has owned the parrot and may have influenced its speech. At the same time, Fiona challenges Lyman's withdrawn lifestyle and begins to delve into his past.

Short review

This is a good romantic movie that feels a bit more unpolished compared to most others. It leans more towards being a romantic drama, even though it has entertaining elements. I thought it was worth watching.

Main actress: 
Rachel Nichols
Main actor: 
Jackson Hurst
Release year: 
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