The Ugly Truth



Abby is a skilled producer who is used to solving any crisis. Despite this, their morning show is struggling. To address the viewer crisis, the TV network brings in Mike, who hosts a show called The Ugly Truth, where he conveys a chauvinistic message that men only care about women's looks and sex appeal. This goes completely against Abby's values, and she sees the move as a disaster. However, the ratings improve, and she is forced to work with Mike, who also takes it upon himself to help Abby with a new boyfriend.

Short review

I consider this film a disaster. There are some half-hearted attempts to explain Mike's behaviour, but he still comes across as a major jerk, and if Abby were the woman she is portrayed as at the beginning of the film, she wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole. The fact that Mike isn't forced to grovel and apologize is a complete failure.

Main actress: 
Katherine Heigl
Main actor: 
Gerard Butler
Release year: 
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